My role:
About the company:
- Dazzl is a B2C startup offering AI-driven mock interviews, providing a safe and supportive environment for users to practice screening, technical, and behavioral interviews
Main stack:
- TypeScript, JavaScript, React.js, Tailwind, Radix UI, Shadcn UI, Reatom, Vite, SuperTokens, Bun, Git, Github, Stripe, Swagger, Sentry, Netlify, TanStack-Query, ESLint, Prettier, Figma, EditorConfig, Copilot, Chat GPT, FontSource, TanStack-Table, Class-Variance-Authority, Clsx, Nanoid, Posthog, Sonner, Wouter, Wretch
The functionality I implemented
- Registration and onboarding flows
- Login
- Chat flow
- User settings page
- Practice history page
- Your jobs page
- Add new job flow
- Edit job page
- Delete job modal